Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Home Study Meeting

We had our first home study meeting today with our AWAA social worker, Michele.  We met at a Panera in Concord, NC. Jason and I (surprisingly) arrived about a half hour early, so we grabbed some lunch and a table!  We were a bit confused as to how we were going to connect and find Michele since we had not met her before and I did not have her cell phone number!  As 12 noon came and went, we started to get a bit anxious and I circled the restaurant to see if there was anyone looking for us. Just after I arrived back at our table my cell phone rang!  Michele was also looking for us, and I met her at the front door.

We small talked only briefly, then got right down the business!  I had prepared all our documents with sticky tabs with the document description, so Michele made quick work of going through them and checking them off her list! Luckily, I had also brought my "baby binders" (ALL the paperwork) so she was able to see some original documents such as our marriage certificate, birth certificates, and SS cards even though we also gave her copies of each.

She then let us know that it will take her 90 days to complete the study - not what I was thinking. I had envisioned it taking two the three weeks. And therefore, being done with all our paperwork by the end of February or early March. But, now it looks more like June or July. Once we get the home study, we have a couple of documents to get such as our child's visa, which we need the home study report in order to obtain. I was sad on Sunday about the reality of the timeline, but it is so great to have such a wise and supportive husband, dad, and family who knew just what to say to cheer me up!  "All in God's time," "Our child will be ready when we are," "We just need to pray that all the timing is in our favor," just to name a few. ;)  

Now we are focused on getting the house ready for our home inspection for the home study on Friday! Pray that all goes well!!

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